Monday, September 27, 2010

Trivia Questions...Group 2

Group 2 Trivia Questions
Life in Germany
1. When and where did German scientists recently discover a new species of ape?

2. What city is known as the salt capital of Germany? When did the salt production end?

3. What type of schooling is forbidden?

German History
1. What was the difference in population in Germany from 1939 to 1946?

2. In the early and middle eleventh century the Saxon kings were able to defeat which Germanic tribes thus strengthening the Elbe Saale frontier?

3. What Germanic tribe held onto their tradition of worshiping heathen gods the longest?
German Media
1. What date did the "television contract" (Fernsehvertrag) get signed?

2. The Deutsche Welle first began broadcasting is what year?

3. What German newsmagazine is on the rise while its predecessor is on the decline?
German States: Bavaria
1. Who are the three primary Germanic tribes to inhabit Bavaria in history?

2. Pope Benedict was born in town of Marktl Bavaria. Where did he live his adolescence?

3. The Hofbrauhaus is a famous beer hall in Munich Bavaria. What family still owns and operates this historic site?
German States: Schleswig-Holstein
1. Where was the chief base for the Third Reich's navy operations?

2. Schleswig-Holstein was part of Denmark until what year?

3. What is the world famous annual rock fest that takes place in Schleswig-Holstein?

German States: Westphalia
1. The Landtag of North Rhine Westphalia convenes to which city in Westphalia?

2. Where can the best soil in North Rhine-Westphalia be found? (specific place)

3. What are the names of the two broad trails, one a road the other a trading route in North Rhine-Westphalia that can be traced back to prehistoric times?

1. What animal infestation did the U.S. Army eradicate in Berlin?

2. What is this and what does it stand for? (Picture Link:

3. What was the full birth name of the mayor of West Berlin who was in office during JFK’s “Ich bin ein Berliner Speech?”

Final Category – Poetry & Cars
1. “At Bacharach on the Rhine, Lorelei is lingering” is the English translation of the first line of whose poem?

2. “I greet Berlin as three times
I band my head, three times
against one of the walls” is the English translation of whose stanza?

3. How does the BMW logo represent the company’s history?

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