Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why the EU will continue to be a pivotal organization for Germany in the 21st century

1.The EU allows people to live in other countries within the EU freely, this allows for people to move about freely, have jobs in other countries and a sustainable economy.
2.Germany is able to sell their goods to other countries in the EU free of taxes and terrifs.
3. The EU is a big protector of the environment, Germany benefits from this because they have a lot of land that is protected and that are considered National Parks.
4. All countries within the EU use the Euro as its currency, which is good for Germany because when German citizens are travelling they dont have to worry about exchanging currencies.
5. If Germany ever "falls" again as it had during WWII the EU will be able to support and help them.
6. Being in the EU helps all the countries remain peaceful with each other.
7. The EU aslo allows for Germany to remain a strong competitor in the world market.
8. The countries in the EU can work together to solve global issues.
9. Germany joining the EU kind of reassures their reputation for most countries who would "hate" Germany for things they have done in the past.
10. Since joining the EU Germany has flourished, they are now selling more products then importing products.
11. The EU is very protective of the environment, this helps Germany in producing more renewable resources.
12. Germany is no longer seen as a constant threat but rather a powerful ally to the countries in the EU.

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